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Home    Critical Path    Module One   Module Two   Module Three   Module Four   Module Five   Module Six

Summary of module

This module continues from the previous one to focus on the development of the elements of a financial plan for expansion, including feasibility assessments of revenues and expenses for different scenarios, cash flow budgeting, and sensitivity analysis. These additional materials and plans will be included in your final business plan.

Sections Include

1.     Evaluating your Progress

2.     Capitalization of New or Expanded Business


By the end of this module you should have:

  • A clear financial plan for capitalizing your new business plans.

  • An effective list of benchmarks that to enable monitoring of performance (financial and other) drawn from your goals and values.

  • Clarity about the tax impact of your plan and the best strategies to meet those requirements.

Learning goals/ outcomes

  • To identify your financial benchmarks and targets

  • To assess options for capitalizing your new or expanded business

  • To learn how to use different financing methods

  • To identify measures of success as you develop the plan

Target group

This module is for businesses that have identified the market channel and completed market research; it focuses on planning for the costs and financial management of expansion.