Addition Resources for Options for Costing and Pricing
This spreadsheet is an example of the detailed templates available from OMAFRA. Click to download this Excel spreadsheet.
The Rural Agri-Innovation Network created this spreadsheet to combine sales tracking with production planning. Click to download this Excel spreadsheet.
This resource uses several linked spreadsheets based on a cost of production spreadsheet created by Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont Extension as well as the list of products in the RAIN spreadsheet above. Click to download this Excel spreadsheet.
This is Vern Grubinger’s original spreadsheet. Click to view this PDF.
Here's another example of a basic spreadsheet for a small tomato farm in Tennesee. Click to download this Excel spreadsheet.
David Cohlmeyer prepared this brochure on costing for the Greenbelt Farmers’ Market Network. It bundles all sales and provides a basic template for calculating fixed and variable costs and annual income from a 5 acre market garden. Click to view this PDF.
Part of the pricing calculation is to compare your own calculations that are built up from your costs with your market research results in the previous module. Is your price in line with the competition? If not, can you adjust some parameters to bring it more in line, or come up with a strategy that will ensure that customers will pay more? The following video takes you through the process of juggling these different pieces of information to come up with realistic pricing.
Below, Sally Miller describes the difference between calculating margin and markup and demonstrates the calculations to build your pricing from your costs and then to build backwards from the prices for similar products at retail or wholesale markets. These calculations will allow you to compare options and decide on a pricing strategy, as well as to test your cost of production against market prices.
This more detailed spreadsheet from the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group provides for cost of production and market planning for multiple market channels. Click to download this Excel spreadsheet.